Wednesday, January 25, 2012

7 Days left and Millions of things left To-do

    So as I get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in 7 days thats it, 7 DAYS, I feel the need to reflect on how I got to this point. Approximately a year and a half ago I decided that I wanted to go abroad for a semester, first because all of my friends were going and also because I really enjoy experiencing new food. As it became a more tangible option I wanted to go because I found that I love exploring and testing myself in new situations. So I decided why the hell not? I might as well go wander around Europe while I have the opportunity to do it. 
    If anyone had asked me a year ago where I would be going abroad my answer was Italy. Being Italian American (but not in the questionable jersey shore way) it has always been my dream to live in Italy. What can I say, I love pasta! So Milan was my first choice. On my study abroad application I pretended I was cool and easy-going and would love to be placed anywhere as long as it was Europe. Well I over-estimated my cool laid back personality (which does not exist). When I was not assigned to my first, or second choice location but to my third, Graz, Austria, I was distraught. Literally I called up anyone who would listen and I cried...uncontrollably...for lengthy amounts of time. I barely knew where Austria was and I definitely did not have any secret love or admiration for the german language. After reeling in my overprivileged American temper tantrum I made my way to a friend's house where ironically they fed me pasta and convinced me that Austria is full of rainbows and unicorns. This is when I had the amazing realization that one of my best friends, Anna, was also going to Austria and would be two hours away. After watching the Sound of Music and creating a list of travelling aspirations with Anna, I left dreaming of schnitzel and rolling hills. To help make our dreams a reality we created this map of all of the must see places in europe. 

 Now that I have embraced the idea of living in Austria for five months (who needs Milan fashion week anyway?) I am both excited and nervous to journey to somewhere unknown. The next 6 days will be full of saying tearful goodbyes, attempting to stuff my life into a bag weighing 50lbs. and alternating between complete elation and crippling fear. Im hoping to have a life changing experience, but if that doesn't work out, at the least I'll see some really amazing things. So here goes nothing, Europe here I come.

1 comment:

  1. Based on our research, Austria is really not the laid-back type of I think you will fit in perfectly.
