Friday, May 4, 2012

Where has the time gone?

   As my mother so kindly reminded me yesterday when I was skyping her I will touch down in Boston in almost exactly two months. Three months ago when I arrived I would have said the day couldn't come soon enough. But now as I think about it I can't even imagine what it will be like to live in Rhode Island/Vermont again. Don't get me wrong I am extremely excited to live with my friends in Vermont and start my senior year of college(Gasp of anxiety about that one). I am even excited to go back to a country when I understand the language and know how to order at the deli. But its an extremely bittersweet thought. I love Austria more than I would have ever imagined. I feel like when I go home and think back on Austria it will feel fake because it has been such a surreal adventure. Being dropped into a different country not knowing a single person or how to communicate with people scared me beyond belief. I used to lie awake at night and ask myself why I would ever want to subject myself to this. But now I realize that along with that discomfort and crippling fear is the most amazing experience of my life. I have met so many interesting people and travelled amazing places. Since my last blog I went to Prague and Munich with some friends from UVM. These are two places that I would highly recommend visiting. Prague has an amazing old world charm and is a beautiful place to visit. The food in Prague was incredible and being a foodie I loved every gravy laden potato and meat combination that I ate.

 Munich has such a fun vibe to it I couldn't help but love it. Plus I was with some great friends from home so that always makes travelling a bit sweeter. We managed to go on Fruhlingfest weekend, which means Springfest weekend. So while UVM had their Springfest we all had our own in Munich. It was such an incredible time and it led me to decide that Germany is my favorite country. So to commemorate that I bought a stein that was way too expensive but gorgeous and such a great souvenir.

 I feel like I would be incomplete without this experience. So as I reflect on the last three months, I look forward to the next two with total excitement. I have some amazing trips planned and my sister is coming to visit in a few weeks so I can share my experiences with her. So I plan to make the most out of my next few months here because there is a thesis and grad school waiting for me at the end of this journey. Two things I am not exactly jumping for joy about. So yes if anyone ever asks if study abroad is a life changing experience, it is. You just have to get past the initial fears to dive in and love every second of it.

                                       Loving my life Mini- Oktoberfest weekend in Munich

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