Sunday, April 1, 2012

Studying?? More like "Traveling Abroad"

   As of tomorrow I have officially lived in Austria for two months. Although I am not really an Austrian, every day I feel less like a tourist and more like I am making a life in Austria. The time is literally flying by. On the first day that I was here I was counting down the days until my family came to visit for April break. Well in two days that dream will become a reality. I honestly can't believe that I get the chance to show my Dad Europe for the first time. I'm sure his kid in a candy shop attitude will be so gratifying. In two days I am about to set off on the journey of a lifetime, touring Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. Can I really ask for anymore?
  I used to try to imagine what my life would be like abroad, and somehow everything is exceeding my expectations. My life is literally exactly what I want it to be. Although I have been the lamest blogger ever I have had an amazingly exciting last month. I went to Berlin which was an epic experience. The history, and atmosphere is incredible. I would suggest it to anyone. There I got the opportunity to set foot on some of the most influential places in recent European history. It was breathtaking.

I hit up Budapest with an amazing group of people. Stayed in the most questionable hostel ever...honestly I am lucky I didn't contract anything. I guess thats what happens when you stay at a place called the Grandio Party Hostel. Yet I had probably the most fun I have ever had in my life. I also got to experience a city I had never even thought to visit, and let me tell you it is highly underrated. 

Then I decided I needed a little Groovy UV reunion so I visited my friends for a weekend in Vienna! It is a beautiful city and it was only made better with good friends to show me around. Taking my study abroad life and meshing it with friends from home was an incredible experience. We are all here having life changing experiences and we got to share in the Erasmus magic :)

Oh, I also go to classes here...haha I can't say that its the biggest part of my experience though. I have had 7 days of classes so far. I am taking four classes and they are each one day a week, so I smartly scheduled 4 day weekends for myself. I am really enjoying the courses that I am taking because they are all about language. This is proving to be relevant to my Speech pathology interests and its interesting to see a different take on linguistic issues.
Studying in Austria is everything that I could ever wish for. It breaks my heart to know that when my Dad and Uncle leave this trip will officially be half over. Only more reason to get the most of everything. I just need to fill every day until July 2nd when I land back in Boston. I don't think that will be too much of a struggle! Well now it's time to start an incredible 3 week vacation, like I'm not on vacation already :)

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