Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wearing Yoga Pants, One of the Deadliest Sins...

     So everyone has told me that Europeans dress more formally and have better fashion that us lazy Americans. This sentiment is reflected in the fact that they never wear yoga pants, ever. In America yoga pants are a way of life, a main staple in every girls wardrobe. But to be respectful of my new home I have kept my yoga pants away from the public eye. Until today that is.I understand the no yoga pants in class,  restaurants and public in general but I thought I had found a loophole. I walked up the Schlossberg today, which is a mountain! So I was all decked out in my yoga pants, north face, and nikes thinking that was perfectly acceptable. The incline is pretty steep. So after huffing and puffing my way up the mountain I was met with shock and disgust by the people at the top. The amount of double takes I got you would think I had walked up the mountain naked. As people strolled around in their jeans and high heeled boots the judgmental stares could have set me into flames. I could even see peoples eyes behind their sunglasses staring me down.  Did these people honestly wear heels and walk up a mountain? I think they all cheated and took the elevator, but thats besides the point. At one point today I was riding the tram and a man literally looked down at my pants and then locked eyes with me, like this awkward moment was my punishment for my fashion faux pas. This disdain for yoga pants shocks me. In America, people practically worship yoga pants, women for their comfort and ease and men for the way women look in them. I think Europe is seriously missing out on this fashion phenomenen. So apparently my idea of a yoga pant loophole does not exist. I guess the next time I go to the gym I should wear a dress and stilettos...

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